Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

DNA-RNA Glandular and Tissue Specificity By Alan H. Nittler, M.D.

Every tissue in the human body is composed of cells. The cell is the integral part of the structure of tissues. Cells consist of the various elements basic to cellular activity: cell membrane, lysosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, cytoplasm, etc. These cellular structures are primarily protein in nature, but many times, proteins are combined with other elements to form, for example: lipoprotein when combined with lipids and mucopolysaccharides when combined with carbohydrates.

The exact reproduction of cellular composition is controlled by genes through the action of RNA and DNA. Thus, there is tissue specificity not only with the production of new tissues, but also in the repair and maintenance of tissue: heart tissue is heart and not skin.


Tissues cannot be synthesized or repaired unless all the component parts are available at the particular time when they are needed. It is an all or none sort of situation wherein either the production goes on to completion or it does not. When it does, it means that all the elements were available on schedule. When it does not, it means that something was lacking and that there is now an accumulation of waste material in the cells. The materials that do not become tissues or energy as intended, are hung up in limbo and as such are considered waste materials. Waste materials contribute to toxicity in the system.


Cells obtain the raw materials from which they manufacture their special and particular cellular elements from the blood. These blood elements have been processed by the liver after they have been absorbed from the intestinal tract. The various tissues all contain raw elements of a certain basic nature like amino acids, fatty acids, lipids and the various carbohydrates. What is different, is that the percentage and specific arrangement of these various elements varies in different tissues. These elements are found in basic foods; like protein, lipid and carbohydrate as found in vegetables, nuts, meats, etc.

In general, a balanced dietary will provide all the various raw cellular elements needed for maintenance of life. However, the specific nature of needs by the particular tissues are more easily provided by foods that contain the elements in an already balanced ratio, like consumption of liver if liver repair elements are desired, or heart for heart, etc. The specific tissues involved have an easier time of gleaning the needed elements from the blood if they are present in an already friendly ratio in the blood.

Eating the specific tissue desired is also a sort of insurance that the elements will be available when needed. It makes no difference if the food tissues are digested into basic parts, like amino acids, since when they are absorbed into the blood, the percentage ratio is very friendly toward and available to the tissue involved.

To repeat, tissue repair and reproduction are controlled by the DNA-RNA action within the particular cells. If the blood contains a ratio of needed elements very similar to that which is needed by that particular tissue, the work of the tissue is greatly facilitated. All the needed elements must be present when needed, or else the synthesis does not take place as required, ergo the development of toxicity. Thus, it can be said that eating the corresponding tissue provides a friendly balance of needed nutrients in the blood for rebuilding and repair of that particular tissue within the body.


Possibly there is an enzymatic synergism in accomplishing this action to be found within the structure of uncooked, unchemicalizet1 and raw DNARNA substance. Marked carbon atoms have been traced from the intake to the specific tissue in question to prove the pathway involved.

Dr. Paul Niehans of Switzerland was the one to start this line of therapy. He extracted tissues from unborn lambs and immediately injected the material into his patients according to their needs. His process was indeed very cumbersome since the patient had to be present and prepared to receive the fresh tissue injection immediately after removal from the body of the unborn lamb. Time and speed were of the essence. The injection was also quite painful and the reactions were more than just a passing fancy.

However, now the materials have been prepared by lyophilization and sealed into glass ampoules. These products remain fresh indefinitely so long as the ampoule remains sealed.

At the present time, the FDA has banned the importation of these products into the USA except for specific research projects by approved persons. They consider each tissue to be a new drug and subject to all the legal procedures attached thereto. In essence, the end result is that to qualify for FDA approval, each tissue preparation would cost about ten million dollars. This in spite of the fact that the materials have been used in animals and humans in Europe, Mexico and Jamaica on thousands of cases very successfully. Therefore, patients must travel out of the country to avail themselves of this type of therapy: the injections of lyophilized raw tissue preparations.


On the other hand, oral preparations are available within the USA. There are several companies which manufacture them. They have different trade names like extracts, concentrates, cytotrophins, protomorphogens, nucleo-proteins and raw DNA-RNA.

Some products are prepared by simply heating the tissues in a controlled manner so that the water is removed. This is called heat desiccation. If the substance is removed by extraction by chemicals and dehydration, then it is a chemical process. Sometimes both of these mechanisms are used in the same products. The ultimate tissue preparation is lyophylized. This means that the water is boiled off at a low pressure while the temperature is held at minus 38-40 degrees C.

This method results in products which retain all the naturally associated synergistic micronutrients as found in the raw tissues minus water. The tissues are completely preserved and can be reconstituted by simply adding water to the lyophylized product. More simply, the lyophylized product in tablet form can merely be chewed and swallowed. In the alimentary tract it is digested just as if it were raw, fresh tissue.


When the raw DNA-RNA factors are taken orally, they are digested and absorbed into the blood and hence delivered to the specific tissue involved.

The tissue can be organ or gland or just muscle or bone. No matter which, there is a tissue specificity. DNA-RNA is hydrolyzed by enzymes known as nucleases in the small intestine. The products of such nuclease-catalyzed reactions include nucleotides, nucleosides, purines, pyrimidines, and phosphorylated molecules of the sugar ribose. These substances are extremely important in the regulation of many reactions involved with the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and the control of energy metabolism.

In many reactions, the products of RNA hydrolysis serve as reactants, thereby saving the body the expenditure of energy necessary to synthesize them. The new materials are absorbed into the appropriate cells and integrated into the cellular structures. When this occurs, the function of that particular tissue or gland begins to become more normal. If the tissue or gland had been underactive or overactive beforehand, it makes no difference since the new materials tend to normalize, not stimulate.

One cannot take an overdose of these materials since an excessive amount beyond utilization capability of the body is simply metabolized like any other protein in the body. It is not a hormone but activates the glands to produce hormones as needed for normalcy. The dosage is quite individual and variable according to the number of patients: all are unique and have particular demands. If urgency is not particularly important, then the dosage should be started low and gradually increased on a day-by-day basis. When the desired level of improvement is attained, the dosage can be reduced or maintained as determined on an individual basis.

Unfortunately, all tissue, after it has been devastated by malnutrition and deterioration, does not return to so-called normal simply because you are now doing the correct things. There are many variables involved. If need is particularly urgent, like in an acute heart attack, dosages may be administered each five minutes or almost continuously. Chewing the tablets thoroughly improves utilization.

All this means is that the nutritionist or physician using these modalities must develop a certain degree of expertise in management. Understanding and wisdom come from study and utilization. One grows as he uses.

Raw tissue concentrates are a valuable therapeutic modality in the holistic nutritional approach.