Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Potassium By Leo Roy, M.D., N.D.

Early in his career Leo Roy, M.D., N.D. worked with Max Gerson, M.D., a maverick, at his clinic in Nanuet, N.Y. Dr. Gerson successfully treated cancer patients using metabolic concepts during the late 40s and 50s and authored a book, A Cancer Therapy, Results of Fifty Cases. An important element of the system was potassium/sodium balance. He found cancer patients potassium deficient so he provided supplementary potassium. Dr. Roy continued that same concept when he returned to his own practice in Canada. He prepared the information on these two pages for his patients.

Why Potassium is Important to Your Body

  • Aids and maintains growth, healing and health of cells.
  • Essential in maldng and using protein molecules.
  • Restores and maintains muscle, energy reserves and endurance.
  • Vital to nerve impulses; relaxes and controls nerves and insomnia.
  • Calms and reduces tensions, hyperactivity, hyperexcitability, fast heart beat, palpitations, etc.
  • Essential to muscle functions controls cramps and pain.
  • Balances and neutralizes excesses of body acids.
  • Controls and detoxifies flus, grippes, colds, diarrhea and diarrhea-type dehydration.
  • Offsets acid, burning stomach and acute indigestion.
  • Helps avoid dryness of mouth, skin and hard stool.
  • Slows down and blocks growth of fibroids and tumors (even in cancer).
  • Counterbalances and is the natural antidote to sodium.
  • Is part of the oxygenation processes of the brain.

Potassium is very soluble in water and suffers much losses from cooking and boiling.

Symptoms Indicating a Potassium Deficiency

  • Usually a combination of several of the following:
  • Poor or faulty functioning of nerves or muscles.
  • Underactive reflexes mental sluggishness.
  • Uptightness and restlessness, hyper-irritable personality, reduced tolerance to stress and distress.
  • Soft and sagging muscles,
  • General apathy and loss of enthusiasm in living; weariness, mental fatigue and confusion.
  • Loss of endurance and stamina and energy reserves.
  • Depression.
  • Tendency to sigh and yawn frequently.
  • Prone to colds, chills, flus.
  • Constipation.
  • Insomnia; difficulty falling asleep.
  • Irregular and fast heart beat; heart pounding.
  • Mouth may be dry and throat tight and tense.
  • Eyes tend to tear excessively.
  • Cravings for an excess intake of sugars and alcohol
  • Is associated with kidney malfunctions.

Therapeutic doses are available in a potassium food concentrate in the form of Organic Minerals and/or MinTran from Standard Process Products, or MinBal, from NutriWest products.