Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Victory Over Ovarian Cancer By Mary Jane Holmes

Dear Ruth,

Here is a copy of a brief history of my cancer that I give to several friends who have cancer in hopes they will get help to prevent a recurrence. Gratefully,

Mary Jane Holmes.
P.S. Update Navarro test last week very good.

In February, 1995, I was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. The tumor count (CA-125) was a whopping 4375. Normal count is 35 and under. After surgery, strong I.V. chemotherapy followed. Since the chemo was not working well, the doctor remarked, “We can rule out a cure.” Ten treatments were required instead of the usual six. Finally, I gained remission. Oral chemo followed for well over a year. When I asked to be relieved of the oral chemo, the doctor refused, stating that the cancer would return as soon as the chemo was stopped. At that point, there would be very little they could do for me. However, I had a good chance of getting leukemia since I had had so much chemotherapy. That visit on December 2, 1996 was my last. (A couple of months later I stopped the oral che’ mo.)

I had been reading several books on cancer, many from the local health food store and joined 2 excellent organizations (listed below). Through these I learned a most important fact: that cancer is not just a local disease, but a whole body ailment. In order to prevent recurrences it is necessary to rebuild the whole body that has been weakened by disease and the treatments. Otherwise, there is an enormous likelihood that the cancer will recur again and again. Most doctors ignore this. So, I checked in at a hospital for immune system enhancement.

Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients are now examining alternative and complimentary therapies. Many of these non-conventional approaches are helping to save lives. However, we must be very discriminating about the choice. Most

of us (myself included) are not qualified to make that choice. The organizations listed below have helped thousands of patients make the fight choices for their situation. Most referral services charge $300, or more. These organizations do this for free. They depend upon donations. You will find them very helpful, compassionate and as close as your telephone. Both of these organizations provide excellent information on the understanding of cancer and how we can help ourselves.

Despite my doctor’s dire predictions back in 1995, I am well and enjoying a busy, active life. I still go to a local oncologist just to “keep track.” He is amazed at my health, does not understand what I am doing (mostly diet at this point) and doesn’t seem to want to know.

I am thankful to the Lord who has allowed me this privilege of extended good health and hope this has been of assistance to you.

God bless,
Mary Jane Holmes

Center for Advancement in Cancer Education Foundation For Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)