Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Chlorophyll By Dave Roderick

Chlorophyll is the green coloring matter that is able to trap the energy of sunlight and make it available for photosynthesis, the food building process of the plant. The green plant is the mainstay of the living world. In every food chain there comes a point where a green plant has been eaten.

In photosynthesis the green plant builds up sugars, starch and so on from carbon dioxide and water using the energy of sunlight. Most of the process takes place in the leaves. The cells possess chlorophyll containing bodies called chloroplasts. It is here that the atoms of carbon dioxide and water are rearranged so that sugars and oxygen are formed after a complex series of chemical reactions have taken place. The energy for part of this chain of reactions comes from sunlight having been trapped by the chlorophyll and then handed on from this to other chemical compounds. Although only a small proportion of the sunlight absorbed by the leaf falls on the chlorophyll, the chlorophyll absorbs most of this light.

The amount of chlorophyll in the leaf does not change as photosynthesis proceeds. It acts as a catalyst, enabling the reaction to proceed, but can be recovered intact after the reaction has taken place.

Though carbon dioxide and water are the basic raw material of photosynthesis, some mineral salts are also necessary. The chlorophyll molecules each contain an atom of magnesium. If magnesium is lacking from a plant’s diet, the plant becomes yellow and is unable to form any chlorophyll. Iron is also necessary in small quantities for the formation of chlorophyll, though it is not part of the chlorophyll molecule itself. Lack of iron also causes the green plant to become yellow.

It should come as no surprise that this wonderful green life-giving substance that helps build all of nature can be used to promote healing. According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, “chlorophyll can be used to help improve almost every disease in the human body.” He lists the remedial effects of chlorophyll as follows:

  1. Builds a high blood count
  2. Provides iron to organs
  3. Counteracts toxins eaten
  4. Improves anemic conditions
  5. Cleans and deodorizes bowel tissues
  6. Helps purify the liver
  7. Aids hepatitis improvement
  8. Feeds heart tissues iron
  9. Regulates menstruation
  10. Aids hemophilia condition
  11. Improves blood sugar problems (diabetes) Aids in asthma improvement
  12. Increases iron content in milk
  13. Improves milk production
  14. Helps sores heal faster
  15. Eliminates body odors
  16. Resists bacteria in wounds
  17. Cleans tooth and gum structures in pyorrhea Improves nasal drainage
  18. Slows nasal drip
  19. Lessens need for underarm deodorizers Eliminates bad breath
  20. Relieves sore throat
  21. Makes excellent tooth surgery gargle Benefits inflamed tonsils
  22. Soothes ulcer tissues
  23. Soothes painful hemorrhoids and piles Aids catarrhal discharges
  24. Revitalizes vascular system in the legs Improves varicose veins
  25. Reduces pain caused by inflammation

Fat soluble chlorophyll is a good source of vitamins A, beta carotene and E. It is especially rich in vitamin K. It contains the essential fatty acids and is a rich source of magnesium. It naturally contains many other nutrients including iron and potassium.

Blood Clotting

As an excellent natural source of vitamin K, chlorophyll can be used where there is a problem in the production of clotting factors or proteins necessary for normal calcification of bone. In oral surgery, hematomas can cause swelling, pain, general discomfort with slow wound healing. Taking chlorophyll prophylactically can prevent this undesirable side effect of surgery. Indeed, in any form of surgery it would be useful to take chlorophyll both before and after. Vitamin K, as a prothrombin factor and capillary integrity support, is valuable in cardiovascular problems and circulatory problems such as varicose veins and phlebitis. It is useful in any form of hemorrhaging, menstrual bleeding and nosebleeds.

Sex Hormone Precursors

As a good source of vitamin E complex, chlorophyll can be used to help stimulate production of estrogen in the female and testosterone in the male, restoring hormones into balance.

Mucous Membranes

The fat soluble vitamins in particular are important in producing healthy gastrointestinal mucous membranes. Any inflammation along the digestive tract will be helped by the soothing and healing action of chlorophyll. These include problems such as colitis, ulcers, diverticulitis and healing the mucosa after diarrhea.

Pain Control

Chlorophyll has an antagonistic action on guanidine. This is a toxic substance that is released from injured cells causing pain. It can be used directly on burns and wounds to reduce pain. If used before a surgical operation, there will be less need for analgesics, and would also relieve the load on the liver, that would otherwise have to detoxify the additional drugs.

Hemoglobin Formation

The chlorophyll molecule very closely resembles the hemoglobin molecule. While the latter molecule is centered around iron, the former is centered around magnesium. Chlorophyll is considered to be a wonderful blood builder and can be used in cases of anemia. An example of this was the case of a fourth generation vegetarian suffering from pernicious anemia. She refused treatment using liver and beef products. After three months using chlorophyll, her red blood count rose by one million and eventually normalized. She completely regained her health.

A higher blood count means extra red blood cells delivering nutrients and other chemical factors to the tissues. Is it any wonder that chlorophyll has such a reputation as a stimulant for tissue regeneration?

The above list of remedial effects includes many other uses as you would expect from such a versatile product. These include improvement in liver function, detoxification properties and deodorization. Although not listed, it is also a valuable aid in prostate problems.

It is important to note when using fat soluble chlorophyll that if patients have impaired biliary systems then they will not get the full benefits. In these cases, chlorophyll should be used in conjunction with lipotropic factors such as chlorine, inositol and betaine.

Reprinted from Enzyme Digest.