Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Colon Irrigation – A Means of Detoxification By Various Authors

Toxicity has been the least understood area of physiology in conventional healing. If this were not so, many of the pharmaceuticals in use today would have to be discarded. In the realm of natural healing, however, the concept of toxicity as the primary cause of disease and the value of periodic body detoxification have been emphasized, possibly even more than nutrition.

A toxic system is prone to develop degenerative health problems, therefore, it is reasonable to assume that a toxic system will handicap the body’s ability to achieve recovery.

This issue of Cancer Forum, starting with the forthright and clearly stated article by Dr. Rob Krakovitz, contains material which should,hopefully, establish the special importance of achieving and maintaining an unpolluted and uncontaminated internal environment. I have always felt that internal cleanliness, by doing colon cleansing when necessary, is more important than washing one’s face and hands. Yet it seems that whenever one of the wholistic therapies includes enemas as part of its protocol, sooner or later an article appears in a health publication that cautions the reader that it is a hazardous activity. Understandably, this makes many people somewhat reticent to discuss the idea openly.

The following items, sent to FACT by Robert Irons of the V.E.Irons, Company, shows an intelligent and logical recognition of the efficacy of colon cleansing. This concept is long overdue when one is striving to restore homeostasis.

Indications for Colon Irrigation

Irrigations are not given to move the bowels, but rather to reach the regions beyond the defecation area of the left colon, the regions not cleaned out by defecation. Alvarez and Freelander have shown that even in the normal bowel sidetracking is a common trick. They gave normal persons small beads with their food and found that many days and even weeks elapsed before the last beads were passed in the stools. Some of the subjects with apparently normal movements took a week to pass as much as 70 per cent of the beads. One person whose bowels were constipated did not pass the last of the beads. until the fortieth day. True, one can fill the colon with 2 quarts of water, have it pass to the cecum in two or three minutes as shown by roentgenograms (xrays), and have it re-expelled. But this does not suffice. In mucous colitis the thick tenacious mucous may take a lot of soaking before it can be liberated from the mucous membrane to which it clings SP tightly. At autopsy I have found it a difficult matter to remove this mucous even with forceps and under a strong stream of water.

– Walter A. Bastedo: “A Handbook of Physical Therapy,” Council on Physical Therapy of AMA, AMA Chicago, Pg. 447, 1931.

The effects of colonic irrigation, according to authoritative opinions, are not confined entirely to elimination of a mechanical nature. Pemberton believes that stimulation to the intestine and its associated nerve supply in relation to the volume, temperature and pressure of the fluid introduced definitely influences the physiological equilibrium within the intestinal wall and especially that of the blood supply. He emphasizes that as a result of almost any kind of stimulation, there may occur in nearly all tissues an altered or improved blood supply and a beneficial influence is exerted not only on the function of the musculature, but also on those of the glandular structures,

– Richard Kovacs: “A Manual of Physical Therapy,” p.212, 1944.

Causes of a Sluggish Colon

The newborn child is rarely, constipated, but part of hi straining in the early years of life requires that he learn to control defecation, and this control is effected by inhibiting the natural defecation reflexes. Clinical experience shows that if one fails to allow defecation to occur when the defecation reflexes are excited, the reflexes themselves become aggressively less strong over a period of time.

Arthur C. Guyton: “Basic Human Physiology,” pg. 532, 1971.