Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Report of the 1995 Cancer/Nutrition Convention By Ruth Sackman

Judging from comments at the convention after the lectures and later on the telephone, the 1995 Cancer/Nutrition Convention held at the Clarion Hotel in Elizabeth, New Jersey, on October 14th and 15th was a huge success. Organizing this event requires a great deal of time and effort, so it is gratifying to know that it was of benefit to the audience. FACT’s role is to bring together important concepts that will add to the patient’s knowledge and ability to make intelligent decisions.

I’ll try to recap the highlights for those who were unable to attend this annual event. We opened with demonstrations by a few of the exhibitors to help people understand the value of distilled water, Green Life (chlorophyll food supplement), stainless steel waterless cookware, ways to protect oneself from low level electro-magnetic fields, the colema board, and vegetable juice extractors.

Betty Fowler, a recovered cancer patient, was the first speaker. Perhaps her case history was not the most dramatic, but if you had lived through her experience and the pain, you can appreciate her relief. The cancer was on her face so the metabolic program she followed enabled her to avoid scarring and plastic surgery.

I was the second speaker. My topic was “FACT: An Optimum Resource for Cancer Patients”. Some of the FACT trustees were in the lecture hall which gave me an opportunity to introduce these dedicated people. Corinne Loreto, an executive secretary, recently retired, has served as FACT’s secretary for many years. She also did book reviews for Cancer Forum and still does them when she has the time. Rhoda Koeppel, an attorney, has supervised our legal matters in order to avoid legal complications which would handicap our efforts and drain our resources. Martin Fall, a pharmacist, also recently retired, was one of the founders of FACT. His service to the organization is immeasurable. Leon Sackman, my husband, a retired businessman, has worked side by side with me in much of the everyday activities which keep Master Bo In Lee and Ruth Sackman FACT going.

I also would like to mention two board members who couldn’t attend: Nicholas Daflos, a retired high school teacher who is chairman of the FACT Safe Water Committee and Pat Judson, a recovered cancer patient and past president of our Detroit chapter (now discontinued).

None of these people receive any compensation. They serve at their own expense and they have been generous in helping FACT grow.

FACT has an international membership including professionals and lay people. Pakistan, Japan, India, Greece, Israel, Canada, Mexico, South and Central America and others are all represented. FACT is a non-profit organization authorized by IRS for tax deductibility. Its goal is to educate, fund biological research, fight to clean up the environment of carcinogens, assist indigent patients and serve as a clearinghouse for patients floundering through the mass of information and misinformation flooding the health movement.

After lunch Dr. Stanley Bass presented his four-year research project with mice to determine the right diet for maintaining and regaining health. His motivation for the study was the tremendous confusion created by all the diets currently in vogue claiming to be the coma one. He compared macrobiotic, total vegetarian, lacto or ovo vegetarian, the hygienist system which he was committed to for years, high protein, foods claimed as anti-cancer foods and more.

This research was done at his own expense because he recognized the confusion and the hazards of wrong eating. Some of the little animals’ reactions were startling! On some deficient diets their behavior was deadly; they became cannibalistic. One cannot help but wonder if poor diets and chemical pollutants are responsible for some of the extreme behavior of humans. There is so much violence and mean spiritedness pervading our society.

Dr. Bass’ findings need to be replicated to find out if there is a correlation between diet and behavior and diet and health. Although he himself was a long-time vegetarian, Dr. Bass found that the mice on a pure non-meat regime didn’t do well until he added a little animal protein. This is what FACT has been claiming for years. We have found that a number of practitioners, such as Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Max Warmbrand, Dr. William D. Kelley, recognized the need to introduce animal protein in small quantities for their patients. It is high protein that is a problem, not low protein. Dr. Bass’ book, In Search of the Ultimate Diet, Testing all Nutritional Theories on Mice, has been added to our Book List on p. 15.

Seung Lee, on the staff of the New Life Health Center, presented some melanoma research done in Korea using an herbal preparation designed for a patient by Master Bo In Lee, director of the center. The results were positive which is encouraging. Master Lee gave a short talk which was followed up by a more extensive and enthusiastically attended demonstration at 7:30 P.M.

At 3:30 P.M. Dr. Moshe Myerowitz, a recovered patient and nutritionally oriented chiropractor related his dramatic recovery from liver and mesentery cancer and gave the audience an insight into his nutritional practice.

The last speaker of the day was Dr. Jorge Estrella who specializes in Cellular Therapy. Here in the United States research is taking place as though cell therapy is just being discovered. In Europe, Canada, Mexico, England, etc.this therapy has been in existence for nearly 80 years. It is a method for rejuvenating the body in order to boost the overall healing ability.

On Sunday, after demonstrations by a few of the exhibitors and a brief talk, I introduced Dr. William H. Philpott, the most outstanding authority on the therapeutic use of magnets. He has and continues to do extensive research which is ongoing. If I can judge by their enthusiastic response, the audience found his presentation very informative.

Dr. Philpott’s wife shared the time relating her experience with magnets for a tumor over her eye. She gave detailed information on how she dissolved the tumor successfully.

Dr. Philip Incao, the next presenter, has a unique understanding of the physiology of symptoms. The clarity of his presentation should help patients have better judgment in order to make sound decisions which are so essential when attempting to overcome cancer, especially in the face of so many conflicting viewpoints.

Dr. John Lee spoke about balancing hormonesestrogen and progesterone. He was quite excited that recognition of the hormonal imbalance was being printed in some national and international publications. This is the most important new evidence in the armamentarium of treatment of some breast and gynecological cancers. I cannot help but wonder how it affects males.

For the last segment of the convention, Michal Ginach and Greg Hagerty, recovered cancer patients, gave testimonials based on their experience. Michal who at first seemed too timid to make tough decisions that negated her doctor’s direction, refused the recommended chemotherapy. . She did have breast surgery but opted for a biologically sound alternative as a follow-up. Although she had a fertility problem that resulted in miscarriages, after diligently following a metabolic program, she corrected the breakdown in body chemistry and became the proud mother of two lovely girls.

Greg, a Hodgkins Disease patient, also had to struggle with a tough decision. It is very difficult leaving the established medical community’s authority and starting an unfamiliar healing direction. Greg was young, still in college, had two years of chemotherapy and was a candidate for a bone marrow transplant. I can appreciate the inner strength that guided him to forego the conventional treatment. (A transcript of Greg’s case history appears on page 7.)

I deliberately chose to have Greg’s and Michal’s talk followed by Dr. Jane Goldberg, a psychoanalyst. Both Michal and Greg were patients of Dr. Goldberg and both attribute their success to the inclusion of psychological counseling with her. It was interesting hearing Jane’s experience with her patients. It painted another side of the picture. Every patient could benefit by checking their emotional attitude with a professional to clear up any negative motivation that might be responsible for their cancer problem or their inability to recover. There are people who might be psychologically vulnerable to creating their own health problems. They may want to punish themselves, punish others, have been deprived of affection and need sympathy, cannot cope with stresses of life or any number of impediments to recovery.

The meeting closed with a free drawing for a Champion juicer contributed by Mr. Pose, a distributor for the Pure Water Society which manufactures water distillers. The winner was Greg Hagerty – someone who has had a lot of experience with juicing!