Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

A Special Report on the Concentrated Beet In Powdered Form By FACT

In the German medical publication entitled “ERFAHRUNGSHEILKUNDE” in the last 31/2 years have appeared several very important articles on the value of beet concentrations either in the form of juice or powder extracted from the juice by a special low heat spray-dry process where the vital elements in the beet are retained. The two most important articles were written by Dr. Siegmund Schmidt in the June 1966 edition and Dr. S. Ferenczi in the October 1968 edition. Dr. Ferenczi worked in Hungary. The Nobel prize winner Prof. Szent-Gyorgi of Budapest, also worked with Dr. Ferenczi to prove certain facts about the value of the beet in human nutrition. Dr. Ferenczi began his research in the use of the red beet especially in cancer patients in 1950. He has had 20 years of experience in this field and is respected among the medical profession in Europe. In the fall of 1969 he reviewed his work for the International Congress for Nutrition and Diseases of Civilization in Hanover, Germany. He brought out in his lecture that there were many valuable elements in the beet which were very effective in cancer tumors and when his patients could take enough concentrated beet either in the form of juice for which he had a special concentration available or better yet a juice which had been carefully dehydrated by a spray-dry process which retains all of the valuable elements in the beet. It was pointed out that if the beets were grown in rich organic soil that contained all of the necessary humus and minerals including the valuable trace minerals that one taking the powdered beet would obtain all of the known vitamins, minerals and- trace minerals known because the beet has some magic quality of picking up something of everything available.

It is well known, of course, that the beet is a wonderful food which contains a high iron content acting as a regenerator and activator on the red blood corpuscles. The beet contains much potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, sulphur and iodine. The beet also contains many trace minerals which seem to be very valuable in the regeneration of the human body. We suspect that cobalt, gold, silver, vanadium, all have some function and Dr. Ferenczi and his German co-worker, Dr. S. Schmidt stressed the fact that the traces of rubidium and caesium were important. Many other foods contain iron and yet it is well known that the human body assimilates iron from the beetroot more easily than almost any other known food. Researchers suspect that there is some catalyst in the beet-root which helps utilize the iron available. This is not true of many other rich sources of iron.

One other fact brought out in the lecture of Dr. Ferenczi was the fact that if the cancer patient was on special cancer drugs which were used in Europe that he experiences no side effects from these drugs if on the concentrated beet and it was pointed out that beets alone used daily were not sufficient. One needed powerful concentrations and this was made very desirable in the form of a powdered beet formulated by a special process to keep all of the elements intact. It was very convenient, he pointed out, to take the powdered beet, for a level spoonful could be mixed with cultured buttermilk or yogurt or preferably acidophilus milk. In this form it was very desirable because one obtained lactic acid which helped the patient to utilize the beet powder.

In the concentrated beet are nucleic acids which nourish the cell so that when the cell divides healthy cells are born. These nutrients offered in the beet have the special ferments that are needed for cell respiration. This Dr. Ferenczi claimed, was a vital factor in the cancer patient for the malignant cell lacked oxygen. He could not stress this factor enough. Bringing perfect oxygen respiration in the cell was one of the big factors in stopping the malignant cell and turning this cell into a normal healthy cell.

In addition to the minerals and trace minerals mentioned above Dr. Ferenczi referred to Dr. Schmidt and stated that research had shown that because the beet contained ample amounts of silicon that the mesenchyme cell was activated.

Dr. Ferenczi also mentioned that the big factor in the beet was the Anthocyan which influenced the metabolism of the cell. The Anthocyans seem to have another function and that is to have a favorable influence on the intestinal milieu This means that it will be easier for the cancer patient to reestablish his friendly bacteria through the use of the acidophilus milk and acidophilus concentrations plus the use of lactobacillus bifidus in viable form.

The lactobacillus bifidus received favorable comments by other lecturers in the Hanover Congress. Many researchers in Europe especially Dr. Muting, claim that lactobacillus bifidus has a very favorable function in the human intestinal tract. They claim it helps to keep down pathogenic germs, to stimulate peristalsis, to nourish the cells, to establish symbiosis, to create a soft smooth stool, to synthesize enzymes, to synthesize vitamins and to detoxify the body.

In a healthy intestinal tract 80% of the human symbionts are lactobacillus bifidus and 20% are acidophilus.

In lectures at the medical convention in BadenBaden around the 1st of November 1969 Dr. Werner Zabel pointed out that all the friendly bacteria not only the human symbionts, but also other lactic acid bacteria were very desirable for the cancer patients. However, Dr. Zabel stressed that all cancer patients lack the necessary digestive enzymes to digest and utilize the food eaten. Hence the cancer patient’s bowel was full of putrefaction and fermentation and this exerted an unfavorable influence on the whole body. It was suggested that the cancer patient cleanse the intestinal tract through the use of a short fast on juices or on a fruit fast for a day or two and then use adequate amounts of various digestive enzymes such as hydrochloric acid, pepsin, pancreatin, bile and many of the plant enzymes such as papain, bromelin, etc. It was recommended that he go on an adequate diet which included the concentrated beet which had all of the known vitamins, minerals and trace minerals along with lactic acid foods and adequate protein as well as good fruits, vegetables and properly prepared grain products all of which should be organic.

Dr. Zabel said the cancer patient should take the proper symbionts such as lactobacillus bifidus (80% of total human symbionts) and the lactobacillus acidophilus (20% of total human symbionts) along with other coli bacteria and lactic acid bacteria which come from plants or plant fermented products. When this was done then the intestinal tract would be brought into a state of symbiosis (harmony) and then the body could be properly nourished because these friendly bacteria would help utilize the food eaten and better assimilation would take place.

The beet in concentration also tended to help the proper pH factor of the intestinal tract which means the proper acid-alkaline balance. According to Dr. Tyihak the red beets have a pH factor of from 5 to 6.

Almost every doctor stresses the respiration of the cell as one of the key factors in overcoming cancer. Dr. Schmidt writing for the “Erfahrungsheilkunds” June 1969 states that through the use of the proper amounts of concentrated beet that the respiration of the cancer cell will be activated from 350 to 400% better. Other writers have claimed that through the use of concentrated beet preparations they have been able to activate the cancer cell respiration in patients as much as 1000% better.

Dr. Zabel’s basic plan for the cancer patient was to activate the body’s own defense mechanism through the proper nutrition mentioned above and by using digestive supplements, anthocyans from concentrated beet preparations, and by reestablishing the friendly human bacteria.

Many authorities in Europe such as the doctors mentioned above and Dr. Karl Winstosser of Bad Salzufflen as well as Dr. Joseph Issels of the famous Ringberg Clinic in Germany claim that the cancer patient has a good prognosis if he will undertake the recommended diet and go through other procedures such as blood washing, sweat baths, and mild exercise, especially walking in the fresh air. Using the sweat bath in the hands of an experienced medical doctor can be very helpful. The expert doctor can artificially raise the temperature of the body for a certain period of time and this has a destructive effect on the cancer cell they claim It is amazing how many doctors in Europe are using the red beet therapy not only in cancer but in leukemia as well and this also applies to Hodgkinson’s disease.