Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

The Joy Of Hay Fever! By Consuelo Reyes

Ah, spring, the season of renewal – a time most joyously welcomed after the long, dreary winter. But for millions of Americans it’s a time of dread – the dreaded itchy-sneezy-queezy pollen invasion known as hay fever. Many trudge to their doctors seeking the latest fix – shots, pills, old wives’ tales, anything to stop the mucosal surge. But rarely does anyone stop to ask why Nature bestows this bothersome blitz upon humans year after year, while budding plants and chirpy mating critters seem to revel in it.

Modern medicine regards pollen as an irritant causing an allergic reaction that, for some unknown reason, afflicts a certain percentage of the population. The theory goes that because pollen is a benign substance, the immune system must be over-reacting, producing excess histamine to rid the body of the invaders. Conclusion: the flow must be stopped!

But Nature is no dummy! Natural Healers since Hippocrates have known that, just as pollen provides the vital fertilizing elements for flowers and trees, it has something renewing for us 2-legged creatures, too. Medical theory is partially right: the immune system is working overtime to reject foreign material. Pollen stimulates the flow of mucus, filled with all manner of stored toxins, but to suppress the natural histamine reaction with medications completely misses the point and can set the stage for health problems down the line. Drugs will block the flow, the symptoms will be relieved, but what about all that gunk that so wanted to come out?

In other words, it’s about the person, not the pollen.

Natural Healing holds that the more we work with Nature instead of fighting Her, the more we strengthen the innate healing power of the body. In winter we spend much time indoors, often in overheated rooms, exercising little and eating heavy foods to gird up for the cold. Our pores are rarely exposed to the fresh air. Spring ushers in a time of greater outdoor activity, less clothing, lighter fare with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s a time of natural detoxification that balances out the winter hibernation.

Hay fever is another way Nature offers us a helping hand (or a friendly kick). Something is out of balance and Mother Nature is trying to get our attention! For those who are stuffed up, the pollen, like onions or garlic or horseradish, sets off the histamine reaction, drawing out toxins so that they don’t get stored in the cells of organs and glands which could lead to exhaustion or poor function, and, possibly, chronic degenerative conditions, like cancer, later on.

The fact that some people have little or no reaction to pollen is not necessarily a good or a bad sign. Those who have a relatively healthy lifestyle, may have clear sinuses and little stored rubble to eliminate, so an occasional spring sneeze or sniffle may be as exciting as it gets. But others may have weak immune systems that lack the vitality to respond to Nature’s call; the gunk may be lodged in more deeply and not so easily teased out.

Those who have severe reactions ought to be grateful. It’s Nature’s wake up call. “Hey, your immune system is still robust and raring to do its work – if only given the chance.” Red alert: the body has toxic overload! You could continue your unhealthy ways and just accept the seasonal agony, while the pollen tries to unload buckets of toxin-filled mucus year after year. Or, you could stop futzing around and clean up your act! Start rethinking lifestyle habits and take a more active role in helping the body avoid accumulating all that debris in the first place.

For those interested in really getting to the heart of the matter a comprehensive program like Bio-repair, as described in About Biorepair, would be the way to go. This would include taking a closer look at what you’re eating and gradually adopting a cleaner, more balanced, plant-based (not necessarily vegetarian) regime of whole, unprocessed, foods, such as raw juices and salads, whole grains, nuts, fermented foods, organic eggs and flesh foods (grass-fed like poultry, beef), or fish, etc. This kind of diet may seem simple, but it is a powerful tool that will strengthen the immune system and build healthy cells. It will also invigorate the body to detoxify. When the immune system becomes energized, it wants to “clean house,” i.e., throw out all that rubbish that the pollen has been doing its annoying darnedest to free you from. Any comprehensive healing program should also include a good look at chronic stress because, regardless of how great your diet is, stress plays havoc with normal body operations.

Good health is all about the balance between what goes in and what comes out. Therefore, periodic housecleaning – detox – is as important as good nutrition. When the cells are well nourished and the toxic overload is unloaded, the miserable symptoms of hay fever will subside and spring will again become a much joy-filled time to smell the roses. An old folk remedy suggests eating a lot of raw onions, garlic or horseradish before the onset of spring, to minimize symptoms in the full blown pollen season.

Suggested Reading:

About Biorepair

Symptoms Associated With A Change In Diet

Natural Wisdom Of The Body

Thank Goodness! No Cure For The Common Cold!

Detoxification – A Sensible Method For Maintaining Optimum Health – Ruth Sackman