The body contains 19 essential minerals, and its supply must be continuously replenished to keep it strong and healthy. Unfortunately, most people fail to realize that the body can only use ORGANIC minerals effectively. INORGANIC minerals are not absorbed, but will remain in the body, resulting in arthritis, hardening of the arteries, stones, spurs, etc. Plants, however, can make use of inorganic minerals, converting them into a form which the body can assimilate. Plants, therefore, and other animals are the proper source of minerals. Calcium is a good example. Consumed as bone meal, the ground bones of other animals, it is readily absorbed; but consumed as dolomite, which is mined from the earth, it cannot be.
The body is 70% water by weight. Our blood, of course, is 99% water, and every cell is bathed in a chemical “soup” which is primarily water. It stands to reason that the “quality” of that water be the very best possible. Water is H20 and nothing else; but there is something else, for the water that flows from your well or the faucet has absorbed the minerals (INORGANIC) contained in the rock or soil it has flowed over on its way to the tap, plus every contaminant which has been added, whether it be on purpose or not. Often it is heard that the body needs the minerals found in the water. Not so. Our food supply is the proper source of minerals.
The ideal source of water would be from the juice of vegetables and fruits. Nature has distilled it, and it contains the minerals in a form which we can use. Unfortunately, most of our fruit and vegetables are not organically raised and therefore are contaminated. Even so, it is vastly superior to the tap water. Rain water used to be an excellent source of water. It, too, is distilled; but our atmosphere is now polluted and so is the rain. That leaves only one alternative. We must DISTILL the water in a home distiller. We could buy distilled water, but it is expensive, the quality is in doubt, and it comes in a plastic jug which affects its purity. We are left with a home water distiller.
Don’t make the error of thinking that a filter attached to the water faucet provides pure water. It doesn’t — it provides filtered water, and although it may remove odor, it in itself is a source of bacteria. Distilled water eliminates 100% of the bacteria and 100% of all viruses. It also virtually eliminates chlorine, fluorine, and other inorganic minerals (99%). Eliminating most of the calcium, it renders the water soft, but not as soft as water which has sodium added to make it soft. However, it makes beautiful suds and removes them when rinsing. A baby’s rash disappears if distilled water is used in bathing the infant. A spot on a fabric is easily washed out and will not leave a ring IF distilled water is used. By introducing it slowly into a fish tank, it will keep the tank clean.
There are over 12 thousand chemicals on the market today. Regardless of where you live, some of these chemicals are getting into YOUR drinking water. No one on the face of this earth knows how these chemicals will interact with each other or with any medicine that you may be taking. And since your body is composed of 70% water, isn’t it important to put the very purest water into it? Prevention is the keyword in health care. You cannot drink polluted, inorganically-filtered water over a period of years without paying the price in poor health.
Reprinted from
Natural Food Associates Newsletter
(Ed. Note: I’ve written and lectured frequently about the importance of using distilled water because it is safer than tap or spring water. The old argument that it contains no minerals always comes up as though those minerals are desirable. The above article should put to rest the qualms people have about the missing minerals. Quality minerals are obtained from food.
The best example of distilled water’s lack of harm and its benefits is Dr. Norman W. Walker who lived until the age of 117 and who was probably the earliest and most forceful advocate of distilled water. Distilled water leeches out inorganic minerals which should be a boon to arthritis and rheumatism sufferers.
Most spring water comes from underground rivers which are polluted by many of the toxic chemicals used on farms and lawns, and discharges from factories. Some of these poisons are impossible to detect because detection systems are yet to be developed. So be safe, use distilled water.)
Many eminent physicians for many years have recognized and advocated the health value of distilled water, both for the prevention of disease and for the restoration of health. C. W. DeLacy Evans, M.D., in his book, “How To Prolong Life,” claims that distilled water, used regularly in place of spring water or other water containing inorganic minerals, tends to ward off the aging process by preventing the formation of calcium deposits that cause hardening of the arteries. He writes: “Used as a drink, distilled water is absorbed directly into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it will keep in solution salts already existing in the blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by the various excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which have already accumulated in the body…. There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age.”
Dr. Charles McFerrin, writing in July 1955 issue of “Nature’s Path,” writes: “Distilled water is ‘empty’ water — a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a ‘full’ water, a water full of chlorine, aluminum, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities.”
Free daily use of distilled water is a marvelous blood purifier, helping to bring into solution and dilute any toxins in the body, as well as aid in their elimination through the kidneys. It should be used for cooking and baking as well as for drinking. For health’s sake it is important to use only distilled water, which is a supreme internal body cleansing agent. It aids in the removal of waste matter by bringing into solution and washing out through the excretory channels impurities that have accumulated and settled in the body, such as uric acid deposits that cause rheumatism. It helps promote osmotic interchange through the kidney tubules, thereby furthering the elimination of toxins through the urine.
Referring to the origin and means of preventing the formation of calcareous deposits in the body, which produce the symptoms of senility by gradually ossifying it, and which come from use of hard water. Dr. de la Torre writes: “Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water … to prevent calcification of the body.”
It is generally admitted by those who have studied the subject that the abundant use of distilled water will help keep the body cells free from accumulated waste products, and thus help to preserve health and prolong life. We are literally “as old as our arteries;” and since ordinary hard water causes the arteries to harden by the deposit of inorganic lime compounds along their inner walls, so, by use of distilled water, which prevents such deposits, the arteries are preserved in a more youthful condition.
Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, recognized the health value of distilled water, and claimed that its daily use prolonged his life. He possessed a water distiller and made his own. He wrote: “Some years ago I was afflicted with sciatica, and was bed-ridden on acount of it. The doctors could not find anything to relieve me. The attack came just as I was investigating certain subjects relating to the deposit of salts. One was the deposit of salts in the human system. A well known scientist had written a book in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that the ills of advanced years were due to the lack of their elimination. This man thought that when such deposits went to the joints, man had rheumatism. When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in the urinary organs; and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced what is called hardening of the arteries. In the same way, when such deposits coated the nerves, they produced sciatica…. I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I could get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it, and it worked like a charm…. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it. I have a little still with which I make what I need.”