Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Understanding Alternative Cancer Therapies By Ruth Sackman, Co-founder and Former President of FACT

Perhaps you’ve just received a cancer diagnosis. From previous experience and, possibly, the loss of a friend or relative because of cancer, you have decided to use an alternative to radiation, chemotherapy or hormones. Chances are you are aware of a plethora of therapies, and no doubt there are many more with which you are unfamiliar. The information overload can be overwhelming. How does an inexperienced person choose the right direction?

Many people are likely to be bewildered by the multitude of alternative choices! Should you opt for Hoxsey, Laetrile, A-Mulsin, Essiac, 714 X, Carnivora, Chondriana, Vitamin C, antineoplastins, autogenous vaccine, immunoaugmentative therapy, Cartilade, Kanzyme, Ozone therapy, Hydrazine Sulfate, Ayurveda, Cancell, Pau d’arco, Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT), etc.?

Some of these may produce a measure of benefit, but, let me emphasize, none of them can be relied upon to restore healthy cell production. All neglect the fundamental problem – the breakdown in body chemistry that is causing the production of abnormal cells. The cancer cell is not the problem; the problem is cancer cell production. Unless the body regains control of cell production, there will, more often than not, be a
recurrence (metastasis).

Traditional therapy concentrates on killing cancer cells, but neglects and abuses the host. This system has not produced a real cure for cancer; the cure is still elusive. Nor will an alternative that has the identical focus correct the root cause – the breakdown in body chemistry.


This is complicated to explain as the causes are numerous. Any impairment in the endocrine system would limit the body’s ability to extract (metabolize) all the vital elements from the food that are needed to build healthy cells. Even stress can block competent metabolism. Any one of the body’s many systems that is out-of-order could affect healthy cell production, i.e., digestive system, circulation, lymphatic system,
nerve network, endocrine system, reproductive system, elimination system – all of which contribute to the body’s immune system, the body’s ability to protect against disease (host resistance). Restoring normal function is a big job. It cannot be accomplished simply with a pill, an injectable or psychological counseling as some people assume. A program that addresses all body functions, restoring normal physiology, is essential in regaining health.


It starts with a comprehensive healing program, specifically the proper supply of nutrients (food). That doesn’t mean vegetarianism, high protein, macrobiotic diets or high doses of vitamins, minerals, selenium,vitamin C, zinc, beta carotene or any other concentrated substances. Normal amounts of the right foods applicable to the human system, as with all species in nature, start the healing process. Exaggerated amounts
of single substances overload the body and use up enzymes required to metabolize the rest of the food intake.

If metabolism is sluggish because of a weakness in the endocrine system, the endocrine system needs to be boosted. Metabolism is crucial or the chemical elements will not be extracted and, therefore, available for healthy cell production. The cell components are derived from food competently metabolized.

You may ask, “What about the tumor or the cancer cells? How do I ‘kill’ them?” The healthy immune system recognizes cancer cells as foreign substances. When the body is restored to health, which includes restoration of immune function, the system will seek out cancer cells as foreign substances and process them for elimination. That is why immunotherapy shows benefit as a cancer treatment, but doesn’t contribute to
normal cell production. It works best as an adjunctive treatment along with a comprehensive metabolic program.

Healthy cell production is the answer to cancer. But the system to effect a repair is complex because no two cancer patients are biochemically identical. Well-trained practitioners, understanding interrelationships and interdependencies, i.e. the physiology of the whole body, know how to individualize a program. A biological approach to controlling cell production is far from a simplistic or unsophisticated method of
healing. Indeed, the breadth of knowledge, required by the doctor to address each patient’s unique physiology, returns medicine to the real art celebrated by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.