Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Surgically removing breasts won’t beat cancer

It seems in the last few years an increasing number of breast cancer patients – 1 in 10 women – are opting to surgically remove both breasts-the healthy, as well as the diseased one to try and beat cancer. Most of these women say they do it for peace of mind, despite the fact that studies show the practice doesn’t improve survival.

Doctors feel patients are confused, most likely because of so much conflicting information and scary statistics, not to mention sheer fear at having to experience the horror of another cancer diagnosis. Plastic surgeons usually don’t try to dissuade patients from the practice because removal of both breasts makes symmetrical reconstruction easier.

Moreover, most of these prophylactic mastectomies are occurring in women diagnosed with DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ), the most curable type, usually discovered because of early screening and most of which would likely never develop into serious malignancies.

If women had confidence in the standard “cure” of cutting out or killing cancer cells, there would be little use for such desperate measures. But too many people today have heard stories about others who suffered through horrendous toxic therapies, were told they were cancer-free (in remission), only to have it return with a fatal vengeance.

It’s time to rethink the notion that toxic agents, used to search and destroy cancer cells, have any healing properties. These chemicals also harm healthy cells and weaken the body’s strength and innate healing capacity, leaving a patient vulnerable to recurrence or metastases. In the alternative view, cancer returns because the underlying imbalance that caused the malignancy has not been corrected. The tumor is not the cause of cancer, but a symptom of a systemic problem. In many cases, the imbalance can be corrected by systems, like Biorepair, that do no further harm.

It’s also time for a rethink of the virtues of early detection with which we are constantly bombarded. These tests result in either too many false positives or detection of harmless tumors that can lead — out of fear of NOT doing anything — to disfiguring surgeries like the prophylactic mastectomies described in this article.

Before you opt for surgical breast removal, think twice as surgical breast removal might not beat cancer.

The goal of this website and the film, Rethinking Cancer, is to present another way. If you’re concerned about developing cancer, a good place to start would be to take the simple, non-invasive HCG test explained on our Resource page.

“For decades, advocates have fought to protect women from disfiguring breast cancer surgery, arguing that it was just as effective to remove only the cancerous tissue rather than the whole breast.” Read on

by Tara Parker-Pope

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