Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #55

Welcome to the Rethinking Cancer newsletter #55.

Several weeks ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization (WHO), classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, citing strong evidence that it can cause colorectal cancer in humans. But they also designated cooked red meat as a 2A “probable human carcinogen,” suggesting, with limited evidence, that it may raise the risk of colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer.

It should be no surprise that processed foods, in general, are loaded with chemical additives that can cause serious harm, so processed meats, in particular, containing cancer-causing nitrates, are no exception. But to throw in all “cooked red meat” as dangerous without any context does a gross disservice to consumers who are confused enough by weekly nutrition pronouncements, which often contradict each other and create more skepticism about all dietary recommendations. All red meat is not the same!

We believe that animal protein in small amounts is important for health. But the quality of the beef, chicken, turkey, lamb or pork is key. How the animals are raised — what they eat, whether they’re given drugs, have access to outdoors — determines whether the food is healthy or disease-promoting. We recommend eating only organically-raised grass-fed meats from pastured animals. Industrial animal factories (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations or CAFOs), the source of the vast majority of flesh foods in the U.S., do not, in our view, provide health-supporting material for the human animal!

Best wishes for a happy, healthy holiday season! 
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)

P.S. Check out a new audio presentation from Health365 Radio, “Cancer Myths” by Dr. Philip Incao, who is featured in our film, Rethinking Cancer. As always, we appreciate your support and will “see” you on TwitterFacebook and our YouTube channel!

Mayo Clinic Treats Cancer with Measles 
By Sarah Pope

Scientific research is now beginning to uncover the manner in which infectious disease plays a role not only in prevention of chronic disease, but in curing it as well.

In May of 2014, the Mayo Clinic published a very compelling report that detailed the complete remission of incurable cancer, multiple myeloma, in a female patient.

The treatment? The measles virus!

In a proof of concept clinical trial, Mayo Clinic researchers demonstrated that virotherapy works by destroying the deadly cancer multiple myeloma with a virus that infects and kills cancer cells but spares normal tissues. (Ed. Note: The virus is believed to stimulate the body’s natural immune defenses, such as fever, to remove harmful foreign material.READ MORE

Tom Brady Deflates Junk Food! 

There’s big money to be made these days — especially for sports stars — in celebrity endorsements of brand name products, After all, these guys are role models for kids of all ages. So rather than touting the virtues of locally-grown veggies and grass-fed steak, super athletes are most often found on Frosted Flakes boxes or in TV commercials touting the goodness of soda or some fast food concoction. 

Tom Brady, famed quarterback of the New England Patriots, who last year defended himself against accusations of deflating footballs, has broken the mold! This October he opened an offense that sent the food industry into a spiral. Some headlines of the week: “Tom Brady Calls Coca-Cola Poison for Kids” (Wall Street Journal), “Tom Brady Wants to Deflate Us All in His War on Coco-Cola and Frosted Flakes” (Forbes), “Tom Brady Says Frosted Flakes and Coca-Cola Are Poison” (Time Magazine). READ MORE

Cheers for Prunes!

It may not be the most prepossessing of fruits, but the prune, a.k.a. dried plum, has an inner beauty that you won’t want to miss. Most significantly, it contains nutritional factors that can improve gut health and help lower your risk of colon cancer.

new study by Texas A & M has highlighted regular consumption of prunes, in particular, as contributing to lower colon cancer risk. Colorectal cancer, which includes cancers of the colon and rectum, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S. today (excluding the range of skin cancers). As with most cancers, it is widely accepted that diet plays a role in your risk of this cancer. For instance, it has been shown that a diet high in processed foods like hots dogs and other luncheon meats increases risk, while a diet of whole foods, high in vegetables and fruits, lowers it.

By the way, in the U.S. now you’ll often hear “dried plums” in place of “prunes.” The reason is that the California Dried Plum Board (the state where 99% of the U.S. prune supply is grown), conducted a focus group for their target consumer cohort (women aged 25-54). Participants responded more favorably to the name “dried plums” than “prunes,” so the former term is now the official marketing name, though most everywhere else in the world no one seems to have a problem calling the wrinkled fruit just good ol’ “prunes.” READ MORE

Quinoa Prune Porridge

2 cups (preferably distilled) water
½ teaspoon unrefined salt (seasalt, Himalayan, Celtic)
1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained
1 cup chopped pitted (preferably organic) prunes (Note: you can soak whole prunes in 
warm water for about 15 minutes to soften and make chopping easier
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
Optional: a pat of butter from grass-fed cows per serving and whole plain yogurt, nut milk, or raw milk to taste

  1.  Boil water and salt in saucepan. Stir in quinoa, cover and reduce heat to low, simmer about 10 minutes.
  2. Stir in chopped prunes, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Cover and simmer 5 more minutes.
  3. To serve: place in bowls and, if desired, add a pat of butter atop each and whole plain yogurt, nut milk, or, if you’re lucky enough to be able to get it, certified whole raw milk. Makes 3-4 hearty servings.