Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #52

Welcome to the Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #52.

Drum roll, please! We are happy to announce that our documentary film, Rethinking Cancer, is now available for streaming on!

The film, which tells the stories of 5 long-term recovered patients who chose the nontoxic metabolic/Biorepair approach to healing, continues to receive wide acclaim around the world and appears to have no expiration date! This is because, as more and more individuals are seeking an alternative to the horrors and limits of conventional treatments, these stories are as relevant as ever. We hope that streaming will enable more people to learn what is possible. We also hope you’ll share this with family, friends AND your doctors, so that they can view the film and broaden their understanding. People have a right to know all viable medical options.

To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)

P.S. The DVD of the film, of course, can still be ordered on our Donate page, but we do hope you’ll help spread the word on streaming. “See” you on TwitterFacebook and our YouTube channel!

The Reason For Childhood Diseases
By Philip Incao, M.D.

Acute inflammations like colds, flus and fevers seem to be an inescapable part of life:
everyone experiences them. Why do we get them? Many of us have noticed (if not, then our spouses have noticed!) that we often come down with a cold or flu when we are overly stressed or depleted. We explain this by assuming that stress lowers our resistance to the viruses and bacteria that, we believe, like to attack us and make us sick. Most of the time we peacefully coexist with these microbes which everywhere share our environment, and if we get sick it’s often because we’ve allowed ourselves to get out of balance. This applies to children too, but only partially.

In children, studies have shown that respiratory infections increase in frequency from
birth until a peak by age 6 followed by a sharp decline after age 7, irrespective of treatment. In other words, it seems to be a normal feature of childhood to experience a variety of acute inflammations, especially respiratory, in the first seven years of life. READ MORE

Backyard Botanicals…..

For much of the Northern Hemisphere, it was a long, tough winter. But spring has arrived and, for many of us, that means time to think about the garden. Here are a few plants you might want to cultivate for their health benefits, as well as natural beauty:

Aloe (Aloe vera) — A sun-loving evergreen with spiky yellow-orange flowers.
Uses: The “jelly” in the aloe leaves can soothe burns, itches and dry skin.
Trivia: Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, who reigned from 51-20 B.C., renowned for her intellect and striking beauty, used aloe in her skin regimen.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) — An herbaceous bush with fragrant purple wands.
Uses: Attracts helpful insects, repels rabbits and can be used in cooking. The smell of lavender is lovely, and is used both as a cosmetic scent and a treatment to reduce stress.
Trivia: In Biblical times the Queen of Sheba anointed herself with lavender and other fragrant oils to capture King Solomon’s heart. Queen Victoria drank lavender tea to ease her headaches. READ MORE

…..With Kudos to Our Wormy Friends

Charles Darwin estimated that good soil has about 53,000 worms in each acre. Taking that down to the garden scale suggests that a 10-by-20 foot backyard garden patch with decent soil has about 250 earthworms. Each worm is capable of producing, over a year, a third of a pound of castings, which works out to 80 pounds of top-quality fertilizer being added to that garden plot every year. It’s free of chemical fertilizers, requiring no transportation from the garden store and no work on the gardener’s part.

Worms don’t ask for much in return for their good work — just plenty of organic matter (from plant cuttings, vegetable and fruit peelings, etc.) and enough moisture to keep them active and healthy. But it’s not a stress-free job. Artificial fertilizers provide no food for earthworms and may repel them because of the high soluble salt content. And worms are prey to other creatures — a favorite high-protein snack for some birds, along with moles and skunks.

All things considered, it’s a beautiful system going on in the soil and worms are the key. If you’ve got good worms, generally speaking, you’ve got good soil.

Oregano — The Joyful Protector

Oregano, Greek for “joy of the mountain,” is so much more than a pizza seasoning! The herb was virtually unheard of in the U.S. until soldiers came back from Italian World War II assignments raving about it. But Hippocrates, “father of medicine,” was onto its antiseptic properties way back in ancient Greece, using it to treat digestive and respiratory diseases. The Romans favored oregano for stimulating hair growth, while the Turks found it useful for pain relief from tooth decay, as an antiseptic for wounds, and a remedy for all kinds of inflammation – psoriasis, tonsillitis, inflamed gums, to name just a few.

This culinary and medicinal herb is a nutrient powerhouse, containing vitamins A, C, E and K, along with fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium and potassium. It’s also loaded with phytochemicals, the full health benefits of which are just beginning to be understood by modern science. Multitudes of studies have uncovered the effectiveness of oregano for a wide range of conditions, from fighting intestinal and vaginal infections, parasites, food poisoning, calming colitis, treating colon cancer, Alzheimer’s and much more. READ MORE

Chicken Oreganata

  • 2 boned organic chicken breasts, split
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic clover, minced or pressed
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • unrefined salt to taste (sea salt, Himalayan, Celtic)
  1. Wash and pat the chicken dry. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, oregano and pepper in a small bowl. Put the mixture in a plastic ziplock bag, add the chicken and seal. Shake the bag to make sure the chicken is evenly doused with marinade. Refrigerate overnight (or about 10-12 hours).
  2. Remove chicken from marinade. Discard marinade. Place the chicken in a shallow baking dish, lightly coated with coconut oil or butter. Bake in a 3750 F. oven for 30 minutes, turning once midway. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy!