Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #49

Welcome to the Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #49.

We have come to the conclusion that we must expand our international outreach! While our Practitioner Directory has been steadily growing, most of our resources are concentrated in North American and Central Europe. But thanks to the incredible reach of the worldwide web, we are receiving an increasing number of referral requests from other areas, like Asia, Africa, South America, Middle East, etc., and, thus, are very limited in our ability to help. So we’ve got a plan:

1) To create foreign language web pages with key content and video streaming, starting off with the languages subtitled in our film, Rethinking Cancer (English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese).

2) Establish local contacts in various countries to enlist practitioners who understand the Biorepair concepts. These reps would be volunteering their time, but would be reimbursed for travel and other expenses. Already, we have someone in China who is attending medical conferences, interacting with patients, referring patients and doctors.

In short, we want to do everything we can to give individuals looking for a nontoxic approach to treatment an opportunity for health. Funds will be needed for this, so we’re hoping you’ll consider contributing (tax-deductible in the U.S.) on our new crowdfunding page, a site that specializes in nonprofit projects. Our goal is $10,000. It’s a big, important undertaking – we sincerely hope that you, our loyal readers, will join us!

To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)

P.S. We welcome your feedback at As always, stay in touch on Twitter,Facebook and our YouTube channel!

Understanding Alternative Cancer Therapies
by Ruth Sackman, Co-founder and Former President of FACT

Perhaps you’ve just received a cancer diagnosis. From previous experience and, possibly, the loss of a friend or relative because of cancer, you have decided to use an alternative to radiation, chemotherapy or hormones. Chances are you are aware of a plethora of therapies, and no doubt there are many more with which you are unfamiliar. The information overload can be overwhelming. How does an inexperienced person choose the right direction? Read More

“Health Nuts” vs. “Normals”?

In the early 1980’s, someone sent this list to the FACT office comparing what was then perceived as “health nut” behavior vs. so-called “normal.” Rereading it now in 2014, over 30 years later, we realize the “nut” activities don’t sound particularly far out, while the “normal” stuff seems pretty dated. Can it be that “health nuts” are becoming the norm and the “normals” are now the ones out of touch? Not so surprising, considering the last 3 or so decades have seen U.S. sales of certified organic products grow at a yearly rate of 10-15%, projected to reach $40 billion this year! According to the latest Gallup poll, nearly half of U.S. households, including all income levels, now prefer organics and most buy them at least on an occasional basis.

(If we are in a new”normal,” who are the real “nuts” today? Could they be the “normals” of the future – the ones way ahead of the pack leading us to new and better horizons?)

  • If a person presses his own vegetable juice, he’s a health nut, but if he drinks the commercial V-8, he’s normal.
  • If a woman buys cosmetics from the cosmetics counter, she’s normal; if she makes her own honey/turmeric masque, she’s a health freak.
  • If someone meditates for 20 minutes after a long day, he’s a New Age weirdo, while a normal guy just grabs a beer and stares at the TV. Read More

What About the Paleo Diet?

There is little doubt that poor food choices play a major role in today’s epidemic of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic degenerative diseases. But is eating like cavemen the answer?

The Paleo diet is “hot” these days. It’s the latest health trend since vegan and gluten-free became “in” with the celebrity chef and movie star set. But what exactly is it? The Paleolithic period (“Stone Age”) encompassed several million years – from the beginning of human existence to around 12, 000 years ago. Those early humans were hunters and gatherers who ate what they could forage locally and seasonally – vegetables, fruit, nuts, roots, and meat from wild fowl, bison and the like. Dr. Loren Cordain, so-called founder of today’s Paleo Movement, used this as the touchstone for a dietary regimen restricted to lean meat, seafood, nuts, fresh fruit and non-starchy vegetables. That’s it. No dairy, no grains or legumes, sugar and little or no added salt.

Though this modern incarnation of the Paleo Diet may have advantages over the typical American fare of highly processed, chemicalized foods, refined sugars and grains, etc., it’s nothing like what the hunter-gathers actually scraped by on for their 20-40 year life spans. It also has serious nutritional flaws for today’s humans. Read More

A Sandwich for the 21st Century

Here’s something Paleo man might have loved, if only he’d had the chance.

  • 2 slices whole grain sourdough or sprouted bread
  • butter from grass-fed cows
  • thinly sliced meat, like roast beef or corned beef from grass-fed cows, organic chicken, etc.
  • raw aged cheese, thinly sliced
  • generous dose of sauerkraut
  1. Spread butter on bread and fill with meat, cheese and sauerkraut.
  2. Sauté the sandwich lightly on both sides in a small amount of butter or extra virgin olive oil until lightly browned and warmed all over.

With thanks to Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, president of Weston A. Price Foundation.