Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #37

Welcome to 2013! This is F.A.C.T.’s 42nd year as a non-profit, educational organization in support of the non-toxic, biological approach to health and disease. Thanks to your suggestions and generous donations, we’ve been able to disseminate ideas and resources to thousands of people around the world – something done far more efficiently now in the age of the Internet than when we first began, bricks, mortar, snail mail and all. We plan to keep bringing you interesting and innovative ideas to help you design your own individual healthy lifestyle, so do stay tuned!

And by the way, don’t worry about that “13” thing. Numerologically speaking, 2013, reduces to 6 (2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6), the only single digit divisible by both odd and even numbers. This could portend quite a fortuitious year. “6” is considered the only number harmonious with all other numbers. It exudes love and compassion. Thus, the prevailing impulse this year will be to create an environment of peace, justice and harmony – an impulse sorely needed on this planet. Let’s hope the numbers are right!

To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

P.S. Again, we truly appreciate your feedback and support. “See” you on TwitterFacebook and our YouTube channel!

Staying Healthy After Cancer By Lou Dina

I am a long-term recovered cancer patient. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and Bone Cancer in1978 (at age 28) and regained my health using a metabolic/Biorepair program, as endorsed for over 4 decades by F.A.C.T. (Foundation for the Advancement in Cancer Therapy) based in New York City.

Let me begin with a very brief overview of the Biorepair-type approach. (An in-depth treatment of the subject can be found throughout the F.A.C.T. website,, and particularly in the books, Rethinking Cancer by Ruth Sackman and my book, Cancer – A Rational Approach to Long-Term Recovery.)

The conventional view of cancer holds that tumors are the cancer. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to destroy cancer cells – using surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and/or hormone therapy – before they can propagate. Many of these procedures are invasive, toxic, damaging to the immune system and only address symptoms – manifestations of the disease. This approach can cause irreparable harm to healthy cells and does nothing to address the main problem, which is the body’s generation of abnormal cells. All these protocols can do is buy time since they do not offer any intrinsic healing properties and do not address root causes. This is one reason cancer often reasserts itself after conventional treatment is complete and the patient is declared “cancer- free”.

Conversely, F.A.C.T. sees cancer as a breakdown in body chemistry, brought on by a
multiplicity of causes including poor diet, stress, devitalized and adulterated foods, lack of exercise, carcinogens, pollution, heredity, constitution, etc. Read More

Take a Hike!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “National Health Interview Survey” has found that more people are hitting the road! When over 20,000 adults (excluding those unable to walk) were asked to recall how much they had walked in the previous seven days, the proportion who said they went on a 10 minute walk at least once a week increased to 62% in 2010, up from 56% in 2005 with increases across all races, ages and regions. The South showed the biggest increase in walking adults, to 57% from 49% in 2005. The Northeast showed the smallest increase, to 66% from 64%.

Federal guidelines recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (like brisk walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (like running) each week. According to the survey, the proportion of people who met federal guidelines for overall aerobic exercise also grew, to 48% in 2010 from 42% in 2005.

So this is progress, but, America we have lots of room for improvement. Less than half of adults are getting enough activity to enjoy substantial health benefits. Suggestion: keep walking!

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Almonds – King of the Nuts

If humans could design the perfect nut, chances are it would be very much like an almond! These versatile, tasty nuggets contain more nutrients -including an especially rich supply of vitamin E, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium – than any other nut. High in protein and fiber, easily absorbed, they’re the only nut having an alkalinizing effect on the body, which is conducive to a disease-free internal environment. They’re very high in fat (78% of calories), BUT it’s the “good” monounsaturated fatty acids linked to a healthier heart and weight control. And to top it off, these nuts have divine caché: in the Bible’s “Book of Numbers” Aaron’s rod blossomed and bore almonds, symbol of approval from above.

Throughout history, almonds have been major players. The ancient Egyptians prized their medicinal powers to treat anything from colds to cancer. Beginning as far back as 200 B.C., they were the perfect “snack food” for explorers traveling the “Silk Road” between Asia and the Mediterranean. Ayervedic doctors prescribed them for digestive, skin, dental problems and ground them into a paste added to porridge to help pass kidney stones.

Nowadays researchers are fascinated with nuts in general, almonds in particular. Studies show that a daily supply of almonds is very heart friendly: lowering LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and blood pressure, reducing buildup of fatty plaque in arteries. In fact, almond is usually listed among the top nutritional heart protectors, along with fish, garlic, veggies, red wine, apple and cacao. Studies are also finding links between almond consumption and lower risk of cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic diseases. In a nutshell, this nut’s pretty much got it all! Read More

Almond Caraboo

  • 1 1/2 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight and drained
  • 4 cups water (preferably distilled)
  • 3-4 pitted dates, soaked 4-6 hours and drained
  • 3 tbsp. raw cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp. carob powder
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • pinch of cayenne
  • pinch of seasalt (opt.)
  1. First, make the almond milk. Place drained almonds and water in a blender. Pureé. Strain the milk so its silky smooth.
  2. Place strained almond milk in a blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth.
  3. Chill an hour or so before drinking a toast to the New Year!

Special thanks to a long-time F.A.C.T. supporter on whose wall this has been hanging for many years where it will likely remain until his Assignment is completed….