Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #36

As you may recall (seems like ages ago….), U.S. voters went to the polls on November 6th. One of the most closely watched contests, besides the presidential sweepstakes, was Proposition 37 in California, a grassroots initiative which, if approved, required all foods in California containing genetically modified (GM) ingredients to be labeled.

With over 60% support, Prop 37 was considered a shoo-in until the last month and a half when a blitz of negative ads, paid for by food and biotech companies, insinuated that higher prices and all manner of Armageddon would result if the measure became law. A total of $46 million was spent to muddy the waters – 5 times as much as by the proposal’s backers – and Prop 37 was narrowly defeated (53.1% to 46.9%). But the idea that consumers have a right to know what’s in their food is as alive as ever. The Prop 37 campaign created tremendous awareness and over 4 million Californians voted for it. If passed, it could’ve led to a national reduction in GM foods because, as food producers know, the vast majority of Americans are very uncomfortable with this gene splicing manipulation of their food supply, and rightly so. According to Dr. Ignacio Chapela, Microbial Ecologist, University of California Berkeley, “This is probably the largest biological experiment humanity has ever entered into.” Even corporate health giant Kaiser Permanente noted: “Despite what the biotech industry might say, there is little research on the long-term effects of GMOs on human health.”

The Grocery Manufacturers Association called Prop 37’s defeat “a big win for California consumers, taxpayers, businesses and farmers,” but supporters of labeling are calling this just Round 1. Washington State and Vermont have bills pending and organizers in 30 other states are putting together mandatory labeling campaigns. In our view, this is a cause worth fighting for. If you care about what you’re eating and the future of food, join this David v Goliath battle at!

To your health!

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)
P.S. Heads up – holidays coming! Consider a gift (for a friend or for yourself!) of our DVD or one of the books! (All proceeds from sales are U.S. tax-deductible donations.) As always, we hope you’ll follow us on TwitterFacebook and YouTube.

Sit. Stay. Heal. Acupuncture for Pets by Michele C. Hollow

The principles behind acupuncture for animals are the same as when this ancient healing art is used on humans: to regulate the movement of life force, or qi, through invisible channels called meridians by placing fine needles at specific points on the meridians. Acupuncture needles come in various sizes; the same sizes used on humans are used on bigger dogs, while smaller needles are used on small dogs and cats. In addition to companion animals, including horses, acupuncture has been found to be effective in a wide variety of species, including cattle, elephants, monkeys and rabbits.
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Some A-Peeling Ideas by Jeff Yaeger

Think twice before throwing those fruit and veggie rinds on the compost pile! Here are some ways to use them for extra health benefits:

  • Olive oil infusions – Add citrus peels to olive oil for flavor and to reinvigorate oil that’s been on the shelf a while.
  • Savory chicken – Stuff all kinds of fruit and veggie peels inside a free-range chicken before roasting to give it extra flavor. Trimmings from onions, celery, citrus, apples, garlic, etc., can be stuffed in the chicken cavity or sprinkled around the roasting pan. Once baked, the trimmings break down faster in the compost pile.
  • Hair dye – Boil potato peels in water for about a half-hour, strain and let cool. Rinsing hair with this water after shampooing will gradually darken grey hair without any synthetic chemicals.
  • Air freshener – Boil lemon rinds in water on the stovetop, then throw them in the garbage disposal, to freshen the air in the kitchen. Also, place a couple in the humidifier to make the whole house smell lemony-fresh.
  • Houseplant help – Use banana peels to shine the leaves on houseplants to make them sparkle; this also serves as a natural pesticide and fertilizer. Read More

Coconut – Fat Burner Extraordinaire

Coconut contains a lot of fat – 82%, 76% of which is saturated, the so-calleuo;d “boogie-man&rdq of fats which, we’ve been told, clogs arteries and wreaks all other kinds of heart havoc. Thus, we’ve been told, more than a little coconut is bad. BUT that would be wrong!

The saturated fat in unrefined coconut is not the same saturated fat in meat and dairy. Coconut contains saturated fat in the form of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT); in meats and dairy, the fats are long-chain triglycerides (LCT) and therein lies a world of difference. LCT are very difficult to breakdown, so the body processes them by hooking them up with molecules that go straightaway into fat cells for storage. MCT, however, are transported directly from the stomach to the liver and immediately metabolized. In fact, the rapid metabolic action set in motion to process MCTs actually burns up more calories than the fat contains! Studies show that people who eat a lot of MCT burn on average 100 extra calories a day more than those who don’t eat an MCT-rich diet. Coconut contains more MCT than any other food, so, contrary to popular perception, the more coconut you eat, the more calories you burn!

And that’s not all that’s good about coconut. This big “nut” (the fleshy fruit of the coconut palm) is a nutrient dense superfood that has been shown to promote brain health, boost immunity, strengthen thyroid function, protect against osteoporosis. Besides aiding digestion and assimilation of fats, all those MCTs provide almost instant nourishment and are a powerful energy booster. No wonder coconut palms, called the “tree of life,” have been revered for centuries in Asia, South Pacific, the Caribbean where the equivalent of a coconut a day is eaten as coconut water, milk, oil, and “meat.” Read More

Banana Coconut Cream

2 very ripe bananas – medium size
1/3 cup raw cashews
2 tablespoons unsweetened, shredded coconut
1/2 – 3/4 cup water (preferably distilled)

  1. Place all ingredients in your high-speed blender.
  2. Slowly increase the blender speed from low to high and blend for a minute or 2 to ensure that the mixture is completely smooth.
  3. Serve the “cream” in small bowls with a topping of fruits, like fresh pineapple, blueberries, pears. Sprinkle with a hint of cinnamon before serving. Serves 4. (Or you can simply hide in a closet and eat it all yourself with a spoon!)