Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 54th Year

Rethinking Cancer Newsletter #35

We receive many emails from people around the world looking for individual help for themselves or for a loved one. However, as an educational organization, we are not permitted to provide individual medical advice or prescription. Our goal is to make this website a repository of the widest range of information, derived from our 40 plus years, so that you can become your own best medical advisor. This is why we’re continually adding new material, as well as working to build up our Practitioner Directory – sponsoring doctor training programs, seeking out healthcare practitioners and clinics worldwide who have in-depth experience in the Biorepair concepts we support – all made possible by the donations we receive.

Natural Healing is very different from conventional doctoring. It requires knowledge and active participation on the part of the patient. The patient, not the doctor or well meaning friends or relatives, is in charge of his/her path to healing. But it’s valuable to have a good support network, including partnering with a competent medical advisor, whether M.D., naturopath, nutritional expert, etc. In our experience, those who have a clear understanding of the concepts of Biorepair – how their body works and what materials and conditions they need to regain and maintain good health – are the best positioned to find a competent advisor and achieve the results they’re seeking.

We always love to hear from readers and are glad to offer general information and guidelines when possible. But perhaps the best place to begin is with our article “What is the Point of” – the link for which is now prominently displayed on the Home page under “What Is F.A.C.T.?”

To your health!
Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (F.A.C.T.)

P.S. Another way to embark on the great adventure of Natural Healing is with our DVD, Rethinking Cancer(all sales of which are U.S. tax-deductible donations.) As always, we hope you’ll be in touch on Twitter and Facebook and check out our YouTube channel.

Is Organic Worth the Expense?

A recent Stanford University study caused a big flurry when it concluded that organically-grown food is not necessarily more nutritious than factory-farmed, though organic had fewer pesticides.

Many criticized the study because it was based on a questionable evaluation of previous studies and for its very narrow concept of “nutritious”as just about nutrients rather than the overall health value of a food. Wouldn’t it be more nutritious in the long term to get your nutrients from vegetables without synthetic poisons rather than chemically-laced produce? Wouldn’t pesticide-free food be better for the health of the environment, which, of course, ultimately impacts the health of everyone? Some pundits, however, reacted to the news with glee, declaring, aha, just as they’d always thought: organics is just an elitist fad and that, if we’re really serious about feeding the world’s hungry, we must use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetically-modified crops and other big Agra “advanced” industrial methods of food production.

We find this latter view insulting and ill informed. Here’s one informed response from Marion Nestle, professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University, author of Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics and blogger at FoodPolitics.comRead More

Dry Skin Brushing – Your 3-5 Minute Daily Detox

Here’s an easy, invigorating way to start the day: dry skin brushing.

The skin is our largest organ of elimination, sometimes called the third kidney because of its role in detoxifying the body. Toxins exit the body through the pores by sweating, which is why aerobic exercise, saunas, and steam baths are good detoxifying aids. But it’s quite common for the skin to get clogged with cosmetics, dead skin cells or other metabolic wastes. If the skin isn’t breathing properly, additional stress is put on the liver and kidneys to detoxify.

Daily dry skin brushing, used for centuries by Scandinavians and Russians, is a simple technique that removes dead skin cells and helps keep the elimination channels open. It promotes circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system – a vital part of the body’s immune system, improves skin elasticity and tone, and generally energizes the whole body. Read More

Cacao – The Real Deal

Not too long ago, the news rang out: chocolate, the quintessential decadent pleasure, is actually good for our health! Mass rejoicing ensued, as all manner of chocolate bars flew off the shelves. Unfortunately, the media neglected to point out that the good news had nothing to do with the typical commercial, highly processed, sugar and chemical-laden type chocolate. What’s good is cacao, the powder that gives chocolate its distinct flavor – the rest is filler, the cause of so many health problems!

Cacao (Theobroma cacao, meaning “food of the gods”) is the fruit (i.e., bean) of the cacao tree that was the key ingredient in a ceremonial drink to honor the gods of the Aztecs, Mayans and other ancient peoples of Central and South America. Believed to possess great strengthening and healing powers, the drink was imbibed daily in vast quantities. Aztec leader Montezuma was said to have drunk 50 cups a day!

Numerous studies now show that those early cacao connoisseurs were attuned to something special. Forget about regular chocolate! Cacao, preferably raw, but often roasted, and available in different forms – beans, butter, nibs or powder – is one of the richest sources of flavanols, plant compounds that protect the heart in a multitude of ways, as well as help prevent stroke, diabetes, cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases so common in our advanced industrialized age. Cacao is also high in minerals, especially calcium, iron and, one of the most deficient minerals in modern cultures, magnesium, vital to over 300 essential metabolic reactions – all of which may explain the ancients good feeling when they imbibed copious amounts. Read More

Raw Chocolate Bars Supreme

1/4 – 1/3 cup agave/maple syrup/raw honey, or you can use a paste of dates and water
3/4 cup raw cacao powder
2/3 cup coconut butter or oil, melted on very low heat just until liquified
dash seasalt (opt.)

  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until smooth and ridiculously delicious-looking. This is the basic recipe, but you can take it to another level by stirring in additional healthy ingredients, like vanilla, maca powder, ground cayenne, cloves, cinnamon, minced figs, chopped nuts, peppermint or almond extract, orange or lemon zest, shredded coconut, cacao nibs, etc. Possibilities are endless! (Dry ingredients can be mixed separately from the liquids. Combine and adjust consistency by adding a little more dry or wet. Experiment with different consistencies – thinner gives a more delicate but brittle bar; on the thicker side makes for harder, hunkier pieces.)
  2. Pour the mixture into a large dinner or soup plate. Spread the “batter” out more or less evenly. Place in the fridge for an hour or so to harden. Crack into edible pieces and eat! That’s it! (This keeps well for weeks in a container in the fridge or freezer, but usually doesn’t last that long!)

Note: The amounts here are approximate, so feel free to improvise. Just try to keep the consistency from getting too watery thin or too thick and stiff. Exactitude is not necessary because, honestly, it’s very hard to mess this one up. It’s gonna taste great and be really good for you pretty much no matter what you do!