Calcium pills and milk is not the answer to preventing osteoporosis. Exploring a Low-Acid Diet for Bone Health By JANE E. BRODY
HEALTH | New York Times, November 24, 2009
Personal Health: Exploring a Low-Acid Diet for Bone Health
Proponents suggest that such a regimen could lead to stronger bones than the typical American diet rich in dairy products and animal protein.
Recent revelations suggest that just downing more calcium pills and milk is not the answer to preventing osteoporosis. Rather, it has something to do with the diet as a whole! New studies show that a plant-based, not necessarily vegetarian, diet naturally contains the proper acid/alkaline balance that fosters healthy bones and a lot more, like reduced risk of hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimers Disease and perhaps other pesky conditions.
Science tends to look for the next one big thing, like single nutrients and single diseases, and, in this case, single factors like acid/alkaline balance. But in Nature everything is tied together. Specific nutrients are part of a complex synergism of active and inactive elements, many of which have not been officially “discovered” by science, but are essential for proper absorption and function. The body does not know specific diseases; it only knows when something is out of order and, if given the proper materials and conditions, it just goes to work fixing stuff.
In F.A.C.T.’s experience patients on a balanced diet of whole, unprocessed, preferably organic, foods, pure water and periodic detoxification, often find that other conditions, like arthritis, diabetes, overweight, insomnia, allergies, hypertension, etc., fade away, along with cancer.
Such is the body wisdom. The sooner science catches on, the more time, money and human suffering will be spared.