Thyroid Often Hidden Cause Of Weight Gain, Tiredness By Henry Sobo, M.D.
May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-5-6
A new estimate reveals that thousands of Americans may be secretly suffering from an undiagnosed underactive thyroid. Why is it so hard to get your doctor to diagnose this common complaint, with its long list of symptoms? The answer may lie in the inexact nature of the blood test called TSH, commonly used to make…Thyroid Often Hidden Cause Of Weight Gain, Tiredness By Henry Sobo, M.D.
Read more...Throw The PSA Test Out The Window! By Dr. Rowan
May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-5-6
Since, in the last few years, there has been quite some controversy around the PSA test and its validity, I was very excited when I read this new article from one of my heroes, Dr. Rowen. - Isolde Boutwell, President of the Florida Chapter of International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends? (ACVF). There is…Throw The PSA Test Out The Window! By Dr. Rowan
Read more...Lyme Disease – Nuclear Virus By Monroe E. Burton D.C.
May 7, 2020 - Category: 21-5-6
With the spring comes the outbreak of billboards, newspaper articles and exhibits about Lyme Disease (sometimes referred to as Son of AIDS) and how to protect yourself against the Death-Dealing Deer Ticks. But the book Deadly Deceit, by Jay M. Gould and Benjamin A. Goldman (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1990), presents a different…Lyme Disease – Nuclear Virus By Monroe E. Burton D.C.