There are several types of chronic headache. Some are associated with organic disease, such as kidney disease. Some are known as tension headaches. For these the emotions of hate, fear, and anxiety are given the blame.
Migraine headaches are inherited, and affect people of a definite physical type. They occur in people having considerable energy and good intelligence.
Many migraine headaches are prevented by the use of honey. Two teaspoonfuls of raw honey taken at each meal may well prevent an attack. If the headache has appeared, however, take a tablespoonful of honey at once. Since it requires no process of digestion and will quickly be in the bloodstream, the headache often will begin to lessen by the end of a half-hour. If not, another tablespoonful of honey should be taken. Its sedative effect on the body is just what is needed by the characteristics which produce this type of headache.
Most of the things we do in life are the result of habit. Even our eating is largely habit. We have an ingrained respect for the nutritional wisdom of the bee, which goes into the fields and selects the materials for the making of a perfect food.
With bees there are no new-fangled ways. By some infallible instinct the bee has some way of checking the quality of the flowers it visits to obtain nectar. It knows if and when flowers aren’t up to its standards and moves along to others.
One sometimes hears the saying “We’ve got to trust someone why not let it be the bee?” The saying is more truth than poetry. Honey fills in any gaps that might occur in the daily food intake.
People who laiow the food value of honey are more likely to eat it regularly than those whose knowledge of it is vague. A medical man who familiarizes himself with what honey can accomplish in the body is very apt to prescribe it when rearranging the patient’s daily food intake.
It has been proved that bacteria cannot live in the presence of honey for the reason that honey is an excellent source of potassium. The potassium withdraws from the bacteria the moisture which is essential to their very existence.
At the Colorado Agricultural College, Dr. W.G. Sackett, a bacteriologist, determined to put honey to the test. He frankly did not believe that honey would destroy disease bacteria. So in his laboratory he placed various disease germs in a pure honey medium.
The results astounded him. Within a few hours, or at most in a few days, each of the micro-organisms died.
Yet for me the crowning glory is its medicinal value.
Where else will I find for augmenting the daily food intake such a sedative as will calm down the nervous, high strung, race-horse type of individual if taken at each meal and doing only good, never harm, to the human body? Where will I find a sweet that produces sleep?
Honey is soothing to the stomach. It will relieve an annoying cough. It will relieve pain in arthritis.
If you have difficulty in falling asleep at night, or after, you do go to sleep, you wake up easily and fmd it difficult to get back to sleep again, you should make use of honey. If you take one tablespoonful at the evening meal each day, you will soon discover that you are beginning actually to look forward to bedtime, and it may even become difficult to banish a feeling of drowsiness when for social reasons you may be up later than usual.
You will observe the next morning that you must have fallen asleep very soon.
Cough Remedy
If you are troubled by a cough, make use of the following folk medicine cough remedy, which is many generations old and today works just as well as it has all these many years.
Boil one lemon slowly for ten minutes. This softens the lemon so that more juice will be gotten out of it, and also softens the rind. Cut the lemon in two and extract the juice with a lemon squeezer. Put the juice into an ordinary drinking glass. Add two tablespoons of glycerine. Stir the glycerine and lemon juice well, then fill up the drinking glass with honey.
The dose of this cough syrup is regulated according to your needs. If you have a coughing spell during the day, take one teaspoonful. Stir with a spoon before taking. If your are apt to be awakened in the night by coughing, take one teaspoonful at bedtime and again during the night. If your cough is severe, take one teaspoonful on rising, one the middle of the forenoon, one after your midday meal, again in mid-afternoon, after supper and at bedtime.
As the cough gets better, lessen the number of times you take it. I have observed several points which make it the best cough syrup I know of. It does not upset the stomach, as many cough syrups do. It can be taken by children as well as adults. It will relieve a cough when all other cough syrups fail.
At times we may be plagued by an annoying twitching of the eyelids or at the comer of the mouth. It can soon be made to disappear by the taking of two teaspoonfuls of honey at each meal. As a rule it wil disappear within a week.
Cramps in the body muscles, which may appear from time to time, occur mostly in the legs and feet during the night. This muscle cramping can generally be controlled by taking two teaspoonfuls of honey at each meal. Generally it will disappear within a week and the honey should be continued indefinitely, for it is a way to prevent return of the difficulty.
In folk medicine honey has long been used as a very successful treatment for skin burns. When applied, it relieves the painful smarting and prevents formation of blisters. It produces rapid healing of the burned area.
Honeycomb is excellent for treating certain disturbances of the breathing tract. The form in which it is used is the waxy comb substance from which all the honey has been extracted.
The value of chewing this honeycomb applies especially to the lining of the entire breathing tract. In addition to chewing the comb, eating honey each day is also part of the treatment.
For this purpose comb honey is the first choice, but if for any reason it is unavailable, a tablespoonful of liquid honey as a dessert with each meal will produce desirable results.
A boy eight years old was brought by his mother to my office for an examination and treatment of his nose. For five months he has a continuous head cold which no treatment had favorably influenced. There was a profuse water discharge and frequent nose-blowing was required.
This boy had had his tonsils and adenoids removed when he was 3 years old. Examination of his nose showed an appearance which would be present in hay fever. The boy breathed through his mouth because normal breathing vias interfered with by a swelling in the nose tissues.
Following the general examination, and the special examination of his nose, I gave the boy a chew of honeycomb, to learn what might happen. I wrote out directions for treatment to be followed at home and prepared drops he vvas to take.
Before I had finished this after about five minutes the boy suddenly said, “My nose is open! I can breathe through it!” I gave the medicine for home use to the mother and discussed the written directions. Then I examined the boy’s nose again to see what the honeycomb had accomplished.
The nose tissues had subsided, as they would have if I had used a shrinking agent in the nose. Instead of being pale, the mucous membrane was now light pink in color. One week later, at the next office visit, the boy’s nose was still open and he was breathing with his mouth closed.
Sinus Trouble
The chewing of honeycomb when a stuffy nose was present was tried with other patients, all with the same satisfactory results.
The sinuses are an important part of the breathing apparatus, for they are connected to the nasal passageways and help to filter, humidify, and warm the air we breathe. Being hollow spaces in bone, they also affect the voice and lessen the weight of the skull.
The membranes lining these spaces are about one twenty-fifth of an inch thick, and are covered with a mat of fine microscopic cilia, or hairs. In this respect they resemble the inside of the nose, which has a similar lining. The hairs move to and fro like heat in the wind, and this movement propels mucus from the cavity.
When inflammation of one or more of the sinuses appears, it generally develops on an alkaline-urine-reaction background. When honeycomb is chewed the urine reaction is shifted from alkaline to acid showing how quickly honeycomb brings about a change in body chemistry. So the individual with sinus trouble will want to remember which foods produce an alkaline urine reaction and avoid them until recovery from the sinus disturbance takes place.
The amount of honeycomb for one chew can be gauged by the ordinary chew of gum. Take one chew of honeycomb every hour for from four to six hours. Chew each amount for fifteen minutes and discard what remains in your mouth.
If the sinus attack is acute, these four to six chews should bring about a disappearance of the symptoms in from one-half day to a day’s time. The nose will open up, the pain will disappear. Body energy will return and the sinuses will return to normal. It is well for one chew of honeycomb to be taken once a day for another week, to prevent any immediate recurrence of trouble.
In mild hay fever the treatment taken once a day, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week, will keep the nose open and dry. If honeycomb is not available, take two teaspoonfuls of honey at each meal.
Moderately severe hay fever should be treated by chewing honeycomb five times each day for the first two days, and three times a day thereafter for as long as needed.
It is a good plan to eat comb honey each day if it is available; if not, the two teaspoonfuls of liquid honey will prove effective.