Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy
Non-Toxic Biological Approaches to the Theories,
Treatments and Prevention of Cancer

Our 53rd Year


  • sunflower-seeds

    How Healthy Are Sunflower Seeds?

    April 25, 2010 - Category: News

    Raw sunflower seeds, used for food by the Indians long before white men reached America, are one of the richest seeds in nutritional value. The seeds are 25% protein-putting them on the same protein level as meat. They contain liberal amounts of vitamins, especially A, B-complex, and the sparse Vitamin E found in their unsaturated…How Healthy Are Sunflower Seeds?

  • Surgically removing breasts won’t beat cancer

    March 22, 2010 - Category: News

    It seems in the last few years an increasing number of breast cancer patients - 1 in 10 women - are opting to surgically remove both breasts-the healthy, as well as the diseased one to try and beat cancer. Most of these women say they do it for peace of mind, despite the fact that…Surgically removing breasts won’t beat cancer

  • prostate cancer

    The Great Prostate Cancer Mistake

    March 22, 2010 - Category: News

    Is prostate cancer screening a mistake. See what Richard Ablin of teh New York Times has to say about it. "EACH year some 30 million American men undergo testing for prostate-specific antigen, an enzyme made by the prostate. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1994, the P.S.A. test is the most commonly used…The Great Prostate Cancer Mistake

  • Prostate Cancer screening

    The benefits of an apple

    March 15, 2010 - Category: Foods of the Week

    Though apples are the most versatile of fruits, eaten for their zest and flavor, they also have many valuable characteristics, health and nutrition-wise which can become a worthy tool in beating cancer or any illness. The benefits of Apples are: Vitamins A and C found in apples promote growth, help ward off colds. The minerals…The benefits of an apple

  • Cabbage—an Ancient Food with Timeless Nutritional Value

    February 8, 2010 - Category: Foods of the Week

    The cabbage was widely grown in ancient China and holds timeless nutritional value.  In fact, the workers on the Great Wall were fed on cabbage and rice.  When winter came, the wine was added to the cabbage to preserve it, producing a sour cabbage pleasant to the taste, which didn’t spoil and a thousand years…Cabbage—an Ancient Food with Timeless Nutritional Value

  • What Causes Cancer?

    January 28, 2010 - Category: News

    So, what does cause cancer? After examining data on 44,788 pairs of twins, researchers report that, in most cases, environmental factors have the greatest effect on cancer risk. As reported in New England Journal of Medicine, researchers studied twins listed in Swedish, Danish, and Finnish registries, concluding that inherited genetic factors make a minimal contribution…What Causes Cancer?

  • Do Vitamin supplements prevent cancer?

    January 10, 2010 - Category: News

    Do Vitamin supplements prevent cancer? Take a look at Lesley Aldermans perspective... "Of course, it is controversial whether we should be taking vitamins at all. Recent studies have indicated that taking a multivitamin will not protect you from heart disease or cancer. And experts maintain that if you eat well, you do not need vitamin…Do Vitamin supplements prevent cancer?

  • Cancer From the Kitchen?

    January 10, 2010 - Category: News

    Is Cancer is the USA coming from the Kitchen? What if breast cancer in the United States has less to do with insurance or mammograms and more to do with contaminants in our water or air -- or in certain plastic containers in our kitchens? What if the surge in asthma and childhood leukemia reflect,…Cancer From the Kitchen?

  • Are mammograms and Pap smears effective?

    December 10, 2009 - Category: News

    The current hullabaloo about new recommendations to delay the use of mammograms and Pap smears is just part of a huge debate afoot in the medical establishment about the value of cancer screening tests in general-mammography, PSA, Pap Test, CT Scan, etc. There is widening concern that too often false-positives result or non-threatening tumours may…Are mammograms and Pap smears effective?

  • F.A.C.T. in the Huffington Post

    December 1, 2009 - Category: News

    We're proud to announce that F.A.C.T. has recently featured in an article, in the Huffington Post. The article discusses the current increase in celebrity cancer patients and the idea that maybe even the best healthcare is not the answer to healing cancer. The alternative idea is to think about bio repair and non-toxic cancer therapy…F.A.C.T. in the Huffington Post